Page 16 - Holyland Magazine - 2020 Edition
P. 16

Hike the north on the

                                                 Israel National Trail

                                                 From the greenery of the north to the desert sands in the south, an unparalleled
                                                 landscape awaits you across Israel's National Trail

           By Leoni Jesner
               he Israel National Trail was founded   To provide an illustration to Israel’s diminutive   Henkin,  a comprehensive  guide,  maps  and
               by journalist and avid hiker Avraham   size, it’s very possible to walk the entirety   useful descriptions are presented in an easy
               Tamir, after his expedition across the   of  the  country  by  foot.  The  official  trail   to read format. Split into digestible sections,
               Appalachian Trail in 1980 - the world’s   commences at Metulla at the Israel-Lebanon   the guide arranges routes from north to south,
           Tlongest  hiking-only  footpath  running   border and  ends at the waters of the Red   ranging from 14km up to 30km each.
           from  Maine to  Georgia.  Tamir’s experience   Sea in Eilat. Although the distance from north
           served as the catalyst to his vision of a   to south Israel spans around 470km, the   Read on to discover what awaits you on one
           similar trail in Israel, one which would expose   winding nature of the footpath increases the   of Israel’s most northern routes.
           hikers and travellers to the country's natural   breadth of ground covered.  Tel Hai to Yesha Fort
           habitats  and expansive  terrains.  He  joined                         The 19km stretch captures sweeping views
           forces with Ori Dvir, a founder of The Society   It takes anything from a few weeks to   of mountainous terrain, framed by Israel’s
           for Protection of Nature in Israel, to begin   approximately 60 days to complete the whole   wilderness and natural landscape. This
           development on the 1,000km trail.    trail, depending on your walking speed and   section of trail commences at the Roaring
                                              rest times. As such, its design allows for hikers   Lion monument at Kfar Giladi in Tel Hai, a
                                              to  discover sections  of  Israel  at  their leisure   memorial site in the Upper Galilee erected in
           Over a decade and a half was spent intricately   through bitesize tracks indicated along the   memory of eight guards who tragically lost
           joining existing hiking routes before establishing   route by three stripes of white (for the north),   their lives during defence of the settlement.
           the Israel Nation Trail in 1995. It has since been   blue in the middle and orange (for the south).
           named as one of the “World’s Best Hikes: Epic                          In this region is the Beit Hashomer Museum,
           Trails” by National Geographic in its spread of   In the book The Israel National Trail and the   founded at Kibbutz Kfar Giladi in 1968 to depict
           the world’s top 20 “holy grail of trails.”  Jerusalem Trail, by Jacob Saar and Yagil   the story of the Bar Giora – an underground

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